Mate in Finland

Mate in Finland - Tanssiteatteri ERI

Dive into the Finnish soul via humour and nostalgia. In Lassi Sairela´s short act performance two Finnish men go on Keihäsmatkat (‘Spear Tours’ in English; Keihäsmatkat was a Finnish travel agency in the 1960s and 70s), visit Oranguman´s treetop (Big Fat Oranguman was a hit song in the 1970s) and relive sweet memories of youth. Dancers Toni Laakkonen and James McNamara take you on a quick tour of the internationalisation of Finland from the 1960s to the turn of the millennium.

Choreography: Lassi Sairela
Dancers: Toni Laakkonen and James McNamara
Duration: c. 15 minutes