Dance Theatre ERI

We’ll  soon have performed 4500 shows, of which 400 have been abroad. Our policy in all of our performances is the same: when we are in front of the audience, we give everything we have. Only a strong experience will awaken new ideas in the spectators´minds, and only when we exceed ourselves, can we grow as artists.

Decades have gone by and many of our wishes have come true, whilst others have evolved. When we succeed, the impossible becomes possible, accomplishments become art and our intention becomes a gripping interpretation. Every performance realises a unique experience for the audience.

Thank you for sharing these dreams with us.

We create theatre through dance and storytelling.

We want to touch hearts and make what is important visible.

We want to shed light among the shadows.

There you find the mistreated and forgotten.

There is also a lot of warmth and beauty.

In the same way, joy and beauty live at the centre of our art.

Our gift brings with it a responsibility to share art that everyone can afford.

Art that asks questions, but also gives answers and underlines them.


  • Dance Theatre ERI was founded in 1989 by the well known dancers-choreographers Tiina Lindfors, Lassi Sairela and Eeva Soini
  • The company employs 30-40 freelancers from a variety of fields every year
  • Gives 3-6 first performances per year and
  • About 130 performances per year
  • Is a Partner of the City of Turku and
  • A state-subsidised theatre


  • The art award of the counties of Turku and Pori in 1992
  • The Suomi award of the Ministry of Culture and Education in 1995
  • The Naamio award of Turun Teatterikerho in 2009
  • The Aurora medal of Varsinais-Suomen liitto in 2013
  • The members of our group have also received numerous individual grants and awards.
  • Read more about our repertoire and book tickets for your next theatre experience.